Boy sees the Virgin during apparition at Medjugorje as Mary said to field pilgrims' questions

15 pilgrims were given a special grace during the Virgin Mary’s apparition to Medjugor je visionary Marija Pavlović-Lunetti on Tuesday: The Virgin answered whatever question they had – and told a young man that he would soon be in Heaven.  

(c) Spirit Daily 

By Jakob Marschner in Bosnia-Hercegovina 

MEDJUGORJE – Much to the surprise of everyone present The Virgin Mary grabbed deeply in her bag of special graces during Tuesday’s apparition to Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlović-Lunetti. While already feeling privileged to attend the apparition in the chapel of Saint Joseph’s retreat house 15 pilgrims were called forward and told that they could ask the Queen of Heaven any question they had on their mind. 

         “We were sitting way down in the back of the aisle when Marija pointed us out at the end of her talk before the apparition. She told us to come up in front, to kneel down and pray deeply. Then the Blessed Virgin would allow us to ask her whatever we liked,” says Jack Gutierrez of Santa Barbara, California. 

         “I asked her if she would hold my hand and teach me how to pray with the heart. And then I heard her answer – in my heart: ‘I will’, she just said,” says Gutierrez who describes the clear voice in his heart as very much feminine as well as American.

         “I did not sense that myself, but I was told that tears were flowing down my cheeks. And I had so much energy when I left from there,” says Jack Gutierrez whose 5-year-old old son Michael Jacob was at least as privileged: He relates that he saw the Virgin Mary during the entire apparition.

          “She was dressed in white and blue, and several times she smiled at me,” he says.

          For several weeks Michael Jacob Gutierrez has charmed his way into the hearts of quite a number of English speaking pilgrims. He prays with great devotion and he hears the Mass with an attention and interest that has impressed many pilgrims in the village. Michael is calm and down-to-earth and has a love for Christ and His Mother that makes it very much unlikely that he would ever tell a lie about the Virgin. Also it has happened before that children of Medjugorje pilgrims have got the grace of seeing Virgin Mary.

         The behavior and testimony of the 5-year-old likewise serves to clarify that no child is too young for Medjugorje. In the course of his very young life Michael has been to the village five times, he clearly understands what goes on, and displays a lovely childish saintliness that speaks volumes of how much he has profited. He also confirms the importance of teaching children to pray and taking them to Mass from early on in their lives, a topic raised by visionaries Jakov Čolo and Ivanka Elez and covered earlier this month by Spirit Daily.

         Also during the question session on Tuesday a European pilgrim was given guidance on her prayer life, a Mexican woman asked nothing but burst in tears from sensing the Virgin Mary’s unusual closeness – and a young man from America was told that he would soon be in Heaven. His name is withheld since his family does not know of this yet, but the young man seems unaffected and nothing but happy with the news.

         Among the English speaking pilgrims much discussion, meditation and attention is these days being given to the Virgin Mary’s latest monthly message from March 25th. To many it has served as a wake-up call – and also as a chance to consider how time is being spent, and which priorities are at the forefront in life. It is generally agreed that the ambitious message speaks volumes of a world which is losing itself in useless materialism, but also many pilgrims have been encouraged to make still better use of the current time of grace: “Dear children, also today I call you to open yourselves to prayer. Little children, you live in a time in which God gives great graces but you do not know how to make good use of them. You are concerned about everything else, but the least about the soul and spiritual life. Awaken from the tired sleep of your soul and say yes to God with all your strength. Decide for conversion and holiness. I am with you, little children, and I call you to perfection of your soul and of everything you do. Thank you for having responded to my call,” the Virgin Mary said in her last message.

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