
Did Guadalupe strike again?

by Michael H. Brown       

       Tuesday was the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe -- a day when millions congregate at her shrine -- and thousands of U.S. Catholics (and even some non-Catholics) had been invoking her to settle the election.             

       What has happened is incredible. The odds that the pro-life candidate, Bush, would win the electoral college while losing the general popular count are astronomical, and so is the fact that an election of 100 million would come down to a few hundred in Florida (at one point last Friday 154)-- and then nine people in the Supreme Court. 

       That's 1/100,000th of one percent. 

       And the final decision came on her feast day.

       That's the true use of the word "incredible." 

       Moreover, an image of the Virgin had appeared in a building in Clearwater, Florida, as if to presage major events, and it resembled the Guadalupe Virgin. Just recently another appeared in Bush's home state of Texas -- and a mural of her miraculously survived a fire last week, as if to make sure we got the point!

       We don't like taking sides in politics (God respects both candidates, as do we) but we want the pro-life view, and the decision Tuesday night had special meaning. Guadalupe is also consider patroness of the unborn -- a weapon against abortion -- and her miraculous image at Guadalupe, which materialized inexplicably on an Indian's cloak on December 12, 1531, hints in the way she is attired that in the image she was represented as being in an early stage of pregnancy.

       A copy of an image that preceded Guadalupe (at an earlier miraculous site called Guadalupe in Spain) was taken on board a crucial flagship during the Battle of Lepanto (when Christians were praying to fend off an invasion of Europe by Muslims), and the Christian triumph in that battle led Pope Pius V to name the day "Our Lady of Victory."

       If Bush ends up getting rid of abortion, it will be another example of her many victories and couldn't come at a more crucial time in history.

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