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[adapted from The Spirits Around Us]

There is nothing like freedom in the spirit! When we expel the demonic, we feel a flow of peace. We approach a sense of well-being.

Now remember this: when we see darkness around a person or in some place, and we name it -- and tell others -- it is a first step toward resolution. We try this, and see it helps. We try it again -- identifying (and isolating) darkness. We get used to it. It becomes a custom. It becomes a habit. When it is a habit, it becomes a virtue. When it is a virtue, it causes a bubble of protection around us. This protection is against dark forces and also is protection against deception. When we're protected from deception, we receive the Spirit of Truth. Now we are operating in the Lord. We're enclosed with a "bubble" of protection.

There can be so many spirits in or around.

Remember that when Jesus cast unclean ones out of those two in the region of the Gadarenes (Matthew 8), they took over a whole herd of pigs.

They were “legion.”

They kept the one man (Mark 5) in a cemetery.

Note that he lived among the tombs!

Note too how he tried to hurt himself. 

Without prayer, we have no shield.

Prayer in our homes (and knowing what is around us) prevents negative revenants.

How many minor manifestations do we suffer from unseen realities around us – and more to the point, how often have they fired our emotions? How -- when unnoticed -- do they affect our relationships? How do they affect our health? Spirits sometimes “take our breath away” (see origin of the word pneumonia, from pneuma, the blow of the wind, breath, and soul-heart, or spirit, in ancient Greek).

Not all spirits are demons. Some may be deceased who need our prayers. We are to pray for them, not communicate with them (which can be necromancy).

St. John Bosco once made a pact with a fellow student named Comollo: whoever died first would try to communicate to the other the state of his own soul. The student died on April 2, 1839, and the next night, following the funeral, St. Bosco sat waiting on his bed in a dormitory that had twenty other seminarians. “Midnight struck, and I then heard a dull, rolling sound from the end of the passage,” recounted the saint. “While the noise came nearer the dormitory, the walls, ceiling and floor of the passage re-echoed and trembled behind it. The students in the dormitory awoke, but none of them spoke. Then the door opened violently of its own accord without anybody seeing anything except a dim light of changing color that seemed to control the sound. Then a voice was clearly heard. ‘Bosco, Bosco, Bosco, I am saved.’ The seminarists leapt out of bed and fled without knowing where to go.

“All had heard the noise and some of them the voice without gathering the meaning of the words.”

Added Father Dominic Legge, a theologian at Providence College who penned the item for a Catholic website called Headline Bistro, operated by the Knights of Columbus. “In the middle of the night at a large, old, and now only partly occupied Dominican priory in rural Ohio, a Dominican woke up to see an unknown man, wearing the white habit of the order, standing at the foot of his bed, looking at him,” “The figure pointed insistently at the bookcase against the wall, and then turned and walked out of the room. After breakfast the next morning, the friar took aside the superior of the house. ‘One of our guests walked into my room last night. It was very strange.’ ’What guest?’ the prior replied. ’The visiting Dominican – someone I didn’t recognize. He came into my room in the middle of the night.’ ‘But we don’t have any guests staying with us,’ the prior insisted. ‘You must have been dreaming.’ ‘I don’t think so.’

“When he returned to his room, he studied the bookcase: nothing unusual there. He peered behind it, moved it a few inches. Intrigued, he now strained to pivot the bookcase away from the wall. A forgotten door, unopened for decades, stood before him.

“The door opened; the friar peered into a dusty closet containing a bureau. Inside the bureau, he found a stack of yellowed slips of paper: Mass intentions. Some priest had long ago left these promises to say Mass for the souls of the dead without fulfilling them. Perhaps that is why the unknown Dominican desired so much that these papers be found – so that the duty he had failed to fulfill in his life could be completed by his brothers who remained alive.

“The room was turned into a chapel, an altar erected. Many Masses were offered there. The unknown Dominican never appeared again.”

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