The Gift of Miracles,  Fr. Robert DeGrandis (with Linda Schubert), a book that finally addresses the miracles available to us, that have happened to others, with testimonies and pointers on unleashing the power of God. What are miracles? What are their characteristics? What are the "action steps"? Have miracles occurred in places like Medjugorje? How do we pray for them? CLICK HERE



By Michael H. Brown

Years ago, I read an article in The New Yorker detailing the lives of several transsexuals -- people who had changed their gender through medical procedures.

The article was among the most dismal I have ever read, perhaps the most dismal.

It was clear in the portrayals -- by a liberal, gay-friendly magazine -- that those who had such operations were highly dysfunctional, horribly lonely people who were confused beyond confusion, meaning that there was a spiritual element.

Let me make it clearer: there was a demonic element.

The same seemed true of many homosexuals: good people, gentle folks, often much nicer than average folks, seemed spiritually tricked into distorting their sexuality, and society was only too quick to rationalize this manifestation of evil, as it rationalizes and even promotes so many other kinds of immorality (especially of the heterosexual kind, in the way of fornication).

When I lived in New York, I had two other experiences that buttress this impression. One was how non-denominational churches in the city had great success in "delivering" homosexuals from homosexuality. There were several people in a Bible study I once attended who had become "straight." There was an entire ministry devoted to this.

I don't know how many of those folks stayed heterosexual. I suspect that most did.

My other experience was with a book editor I had. He was a great guy -- and a terrific editor -- but very feminine and openly "gay." One day, walking into his office after the receptionist let me in, I stopped in my tracks when I saw an older woman with curly gray hair sitting at his desk, instead of this man in his late thirties.

I stood there, blinked, stared, walked back up the hall to make sure I had the right office, returned, saw the same woman, made a sound -- and the person at the desk turned to face me.

No longer was a older woman there. It was the editor, welcoming me.

Had I "seen" things, or was I granted a mystical glimpse of a female spirit that was attached to him?

Most homosexuals, as I said, are good people. Often, they are victims. Some may have a genetic proclivity. Some may have been raised without a proper father figure. Some may have been molested. But those shortcomings do not justify a lifetime of what the Vatican calls "disordered" practices, and society is evil for promoting the idea that homosexuality -- and transsexualism (now called "transgenderism") -- are as viable as heterosexuality.

We all are born with shortcomings. We all bear our crosses. We all have had challenges growing up. But a proclivity for alcohol does not justify becoming an alcoholic any more than being born in poverty justifies becoming a thief.

Someday, hopefully, we will realize that many folks with troubled personalities are haunted by demons or earthbound spirits. Curious it is how radical homosexuals side so stridently with pro-abortionists and curious it is too how some have a hard glaze to their eyes and so often choose to blaspheme the Catholic Church during decadent parades or festivals (see, New Orleans; see, Key West; see, San Francisco, and Greenwich Village).

These people need to be loved and helped and need our prayers at the same time that they deserve our correction (as we also correct our own depraved passions). Spirits attach to our "woundedness."

Is every gay person "possessed"? Hardly. Can every single one of them control it? I'll let God judge. But we can look at our own Church and note the infiltration of evil that works in this realm -- preying on the loneliness of priests who don't pray enough.

Just two weeks ago, a Los Angeles Times sportswriter who made headlines by announcing he was becoming a woman, then returned to work as a man, was found dead in a suspected suicide.

It is hardly a "gay" lifestyle (a word as clever as when the devil inspired the term "pro-choice" to cover over the blackness of abortion).

Can the spiritual interpretation go too far?

In Connecticut, a minister and his wife were roundly criticized for forcibly "exorcising" a young man of the spirit.

"As can be imagined gay rights groups all over the country are up in arms about the video and the idea it provokes that being homosexual is the result of being possessed by a demon or other malicious entity," noted one commentator. "It has been reported by the local Bridgeport media that a gay  rights advocacy group is considering taking action by filing a complaint with the child welfare authorities of the state.  'I think it's horrifying," said one gay-rights advocate of the video by Manifested Glory. 'What saddens me is the people that are doing this think they are doing something in the kid's best interests, when in fact they're murdering his spirit.'"

We don't advocate forcible deliverance. A person should be gently brought to Christ, Who will lead to deliverance. But "murdering his spirit"? No.

Have we gotten to the point where expressing an opinion is a "hate crime" -- especially an opinion that is biblically based?

Yet, to hate homosexuals is itself an evil. The Vatican reminded us of this just last week.

Instead, pray for their deliverance, for many times, there is a spiritual dynamic. (There are those who disagree.)

Our stand on it is the stand of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which says (2358-2359):

"The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

"Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection."

[resources: Prayer of the Warrior]

[What the Church teaches and Archbishop Burke on homosexuality and Church]

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